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sábado, 25 de junho de 2022

👜 Empreender É Saber, empaca tus maletas, el mundo te espera.

La nueva app de los creadores de Twoo
☁️ Disfruta de un viaje entre las nubes ☁️
Ablo es la manera de hacer conexiones en todas partes del mundo. Descubre nuevas personas en lugares de los que nunca has escuchado, simplemente hablando en tu propia idioma.
Descubre Ablo

sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2022

Your learning content


I came across your learning content and found it to be useful for a lot of people. My company runs the LearnDesk Marketplace, a popular learning website visited by 100 million+ people a year.

We offer learning content creators access to a large community of students, a revenue share of 100%, and dedicated marketing support. You can sell knowledge in the form of online live classes, in-person classes, 1-1 or group coaching, recorded classes, ebooks, documents, videos, or distribute content freely to gain exposure.

I would like to provide information on how we can work together to get you more users for your learning content. Please schedule a phone meeting with me using this link to learn more.

Vivek Puri
LearnDesk Marketplace
4695 Chabot Drive #200
Pleasanton, CA 94568
+1 (408) 495-8062

This email was sent to eduardo.ogaki.saber@blogger.com

If you don't want to receive emails, please unsubscribe

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2022

Your learning content


I came across your learning content and found it to be useful for a lot of people. My company runs the LearnDesk Marketplace, a popular learning website visited by 100 million+ people a year.

We offer learning content creators access to a large community of students, a revenue share of 100%, and dedicated marketing support. You can sell knowledge in the form of online live classes, in-person classes, 1-1 or group coaching, recorded classes, ebooks, documents, videos, or distribute content freely to gain exposure.

I would like to provide information on how we can work together to get you more users for your learning content. Please schedule a phone meeting with me using this link to learn more.

Vivek Puri
LearnDesk Marketplace
4695 Chabot Drive #200
Pleasanton, CA 94568
+1 (408) 495-8062

This email was sent to eduardo.ogaki.saber@blogger.com

If you don't want to receive emails, please unsubscribe

quarta-feira, 22 de junho de 2022

👜 Empreender É Saber, empaca tus maletas, el mundo te espera.

La nueva app de los creadores de Twoo
☁️ Disfruta de un viaje entre las nubes ☁️
Ablo es la manera de hacer conexiones en todas partes del mundo. Descubre nuevas personas en lugares de los que nunca has escuchado, simplemente hablando en tu propia idioma.
Descubre Ablo

domingo, 5 de junho de 2022

HAN Crude Oil

Ref   Inquiry

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that we have completed a thorough investigation into a transaction, or should we say, a contract, that we conducted with a Libyan oil corporation. We are therefore trusting that you will assist us in receiving a contract dividend of US $ 68,760,000.00.

We conducted a crude oil supply deal through HAN Oil Angola based on a license issued by the Libyan Oil Cooperation, but we later discovered that the permit holder was not its rightful owner.

Please do not ignore this communication.

Angola's HAN Oil is required to report any unclaimed funds for permanent closure. Being an executive in the Crude Oil & Products Trading Division of HAN Oil Angola, I have access to all necessary information and contacts to ensure that the funds can be recovered without any trouble.

HAN Oil Angola has deposited funds in escrow in anticipation of receiving legitimate claims for disbursement. Since I was fortunate enough to acquire this information, I believe it could be the key to achieving lifetime success without taking any risks. I can be reached via private email at jeanrosuv@outlook.com,

I will not disclose any further information until we receive confirmation that we are in communication with the appropriate party.

I look forward to your prompt response.


Jean Rosvuu

Procurement Supervisor